Cynthia Dugat - Painting-Coffee/Gouache

Cynthia Dugat has been an artist and creator for most of her life.  She began drawing at age three, seeing her natural talent, her father taught her basic structures and foundations on how to draw. Cynthia turned her love of art into a career. She taught art for 35 years and many of those years were spent teaching AP art classes.

In 2017 Dugat retired and moved to Florida where she has dedicated her life to her creativity. Cynthia paints with coffee grounds and gouache. Coffee allows her to paint up to 30 layers on each painting, this medium connects her artwork to the natural world, invoking a sense of warmth, earthiness, and familiarity. Her Gouache paintings unleash her experimental side along with her love of color. Dugat pushes the boundaries of traditional methods infusing her work with  a unique aesthetic.

Cynthia Dugat was born in Texas. She currently lives and works in Gulfport, Florida.

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